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Why am I vegan/plant-based

I became a vegetarian 4 years ago after watching a video of a cow in the slaughterhouse, cause... you know. Seeing the documentary called Vegucated really set me on it after (I recommend). Then Earthlings (watch at your own risk), Cowspiracy...I started trying to cut down on dairy after about a year, I never really ate much but I've cut out a lot of ice cream and eggs since then. I've always been into animals so it wasn't much of a surprise when I decided to stop eating them. I just respect all life, which goes as far as not killing bugs. Not to preach about how sad it is that we feel the need to kill these animals for a fucking happy meal but the amount of meat that Americans consume is INSANE. It is so unnecessary, not to mention unhealthy. I could go on for like ever about all of this but go watch the docs I listed if you haven't seen them. I just got so angry learning all of this that I stopped. I didn't want to support the industry at all. I am fine with the concept of eating animals, if more people hunted or shopped locally for their meat rather than support these giant, corrupt factories. Since becoming plant-based, the difference I have noticed in my natural energy levels is crazy. My skin is clear and on the inside I feel great all the time. It's not expensive, it's really not hard, and it will be the best decision you ever make if you do try and change your diet to focus more on raw foods and eliminate meats and processed foods.

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